Fire detection

The fire detection system is an installation comprising a series of sensors (or detectors) linked to a fire detection panel. This panel receives “fire” or “malfunction” alarms and “processes” them by locating them via an audible signal and a luminous signal.

This system comprises technical components covered by French (NF) standards. The installation design is covered by APSAD R7, the technical text often used as a benchmark.

Cyrus Industrie studies the best choice of fire detection system based on the hazard analysis: smoke detectors, flame detectors, “rate-of-rise” heat detectors, linear heat detectors, ATEX detectors, etc.

Cyrus Industrie provides assistance from the design stage through to acceptance of the installation, including a performance check (detection tests known as “site test fires”).

Détection rétention alcool
Compresseur pour détection de gaz

Gas detection

The preliminary design phase aims to confirm the feasibility of the selected solutions and to determine their main characteristics. This phase includes:

  • Definition of protection in relation to the risk (surface area involved, density, application rate),
  • Definition of the additional work to be planned (development of premises, process controls),
  • Project planning,
  • Financial evaluation by item,
  • Technical and financial breakdown of the project.

Fire safety systems

Since 1993 in France, technical components interlocked with fire detection must comply with French standards (NF S61-930 to 61-970) relating to fire safety systems. The 1993 standards relate to the characteristics of equipment forming a fire safety system.

A fire safety system comprises two subassemblies:

  • A fire detection system
  • A fire safety control system (interlocks).

A fire safety system must be totally independent of other systems that may be installed at the site (centralised technical management, for example). The fire safety system must be available even when malfunctions affect other systems and must be operated separately.

Spark detection

Spark detection and extinguishing systems are designed to detect and automatically suppress outbreaks of fire in pneumatic suction and transport systems before they reach the production facilities (filters, cyclones and dust silos) and cause a fire, or even explosions.

They are commonly used in processes conveying suspended particles and dust in ducts (timber, plastics and food processing industries).

Fire detection systems

Fire detection systems comprise:

  • the fire alarm control panel
  • automatic fire detectors
  • manual pull stations
Détection étincelle local électrique

Fire safety control systems

The more elaborate fire safety control systems comprise:

  • the fire safety control panel
  • control adapter devices
  • actuated safety devices
  • loudspeakers

Fire safety control systems are designed to protect buildings and sites by function and by zone. Fire protection functions:

  • evacuation: emission of an alarm and luminous signal
  • partitioning: automatic closing of fireproof doors, fire valves
  • smoke ventilation: air transfer dampers, smoke extraction dampers, relaying units, smoke vents and wall openings
  • technical shutdowns: ventilation shutdown, elevator non-stop function