Vulnerability study

The aim of the fire risk and vulnerability analysis is to identify and rank potential sources of the outbreak and spread of fire.

The APSAD R11 rule sets out a vulnerability study method applicable to fire risk. The aim of the vulnerability analysis is to identify the vulnerable elements of a site, namely the elements the loss of which could jeopardize the site’s continuity.

The elements identified as vulnerable are generally machines, process functions and premises. As a design office specialising in fire safety, CYRUS INDUSTRIE offers various methods for identifying vulnerable elements:

  • Inventory of points (points whose unavailability may compromise the company’s objectives).
  • Identifying hazardous points.
  • Determining vulnerable points.

By ranking vulnerable points, we can draw up a master plan for improving fire safety and prioritise actions:

  • Reinforcement of first-response resources (extinguisher, fire hose station).
  • Installation of a fire detection system adapted to the risk.
  • Installation of a fixed automatic extinguishing system (sprinkler, foam, gas)
  • Improvement of fire safety organisation (alarm management, response teams, staff training).

In order to carry out a vulnerability study recognised by APSAD R11, INSSI Accreditation is required. This is held by some of CYRUS INDUSTRIE’s staff.