CYRUS INDUSTRIE not only understands the issues that industrial companies face, but also the expectations of inspectors of Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment. We can help you draw up ICPE-related files, and analyse your compliance with current French regulations.
Regulatory analysis is a special feature that brings an extra dimension to CYRUS INDUSTRIE. It enables us to link regulatory requirements to insurers’ requests in all our fire projects. Regulatory analysis is therefore input data for the design, dimensioning and implementation of fire systems.
Insurers aim to protect property, while regulatory requirements protect the environment and people. Two different but complementary perspectives to the solutions to be implemented to satisfy them (fire protection, fire detection, smoke extraction, compartmentalization, fire water retention, etc.).
ICPE regulatory compliance audit
Impact study of Rouen’s new post-fire regulations (24/09/2020)
Modelling and critical analysis of its consequences,
Explosion… see PHD
Administrative notification,
ICPE registration file,
Case-by-case study,
Hazard study,
ATEX risk assessment, production of ZONE classification plans,
Emergency plans (POI, PSI + PDCI),
Business continuity plans,
Technological risk analysis: HAZOP, HAZID AMDEC, AMDE, APR,
3D modelling: Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) & SMOKEVIEW (SMV),
Studies of Instrumented Risk Management Measures (MMRI),
Additional PPRT (technological risk prevention plan) studies for SEVESO III sites.
(Risk assessment consists in identifying and classifying the risks that may be encountered in the company, in order to implement relevant, consistent and appropriate preventive actions. It is the initial stage of any preventive measure.)
An ICPE (Installation Classified for the Protection of the Environment) is an industrial, tertiary or agricultural site that may be a source of pollution (water, air, soil), nuisance for local residents, and accidents. ICPEs are classified in several categories according to their potential danger: declaration, registration, authorisation, etc.

ICPE regulatory compliance audit,
This audit analyses the situation of your installation in relation to the applicable regulatory requirements, and enables you to take corrective action to ensure the site fully complies with the regulations.
Ideally, this audit should be carried out at the planning stage, based on the plans and feasibility documents, so as to take into account all the requirements applicable to the installation.
For existing sites, it can be carried out following the completion of an administrative regularisation file (Declaration, Registration or Authorisation), or at any time to assess the technical compliance of the installation.
This audit is comprised of the following parts:
- Identification of applicable legislation (permit, standard regulation, ministerial regulation).
- Site inspection (or study of plans and planning documents) and drafting of a detailed report highlighting non-conformities.
- Drawing up a programme of compliance work, because it is only from this stage that the installation be considered compliant.
Impact study of new regulations after Rouen’s fire (24/09/2020)
Following the accident at Lubrizol in Rouen on 24 September 2020, a new regulation was published in the Official Journal on 24 September 2021. This regulation affects fire protection, fire water retention, compartmentalization, storage methods and smoke extraction on industrial sites.
CYRUS INDUSTRIE can support industrial companies in applying this new regulation on a technical, scheduling and budgetary level.
The aim of the study is to draw up an action plan for compliance with Rouen’s new post-fire regulations. The study includes the following elements:
- Drawing up post-Lubrizol regulations applicable to the site,
- A site description presenting all the parameters and characteristics to be taken into account when applying the post-Lubrizol “Flammable Liquids” regulation,
- Identification of requirements applicable to the site (fixed and mobile tanks),
- Regulatory compliance analysis,
- Drawing up a list of non-conformities and deadlines for compliance,
- Drawing up a pre-budget for compliance at +/- 30%,
- Drawing up an action plan for compliance within deadlines,
- Drawing up a study report.
ICPE registration file
To prevent the environmental and health risks posed by certain facilities, French regulations have introduced a series of measures for Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE). They are classified according to the severity of the risk they may pose.
The ICPE nomenclature determines the system to which they are subject (Declaration, Registration, Authorisation, SEVESO), and the obligations that must be met by the operator depend on this classification.
CYRUS INDUSTRIE can help you prepare applications for production under the nomenclature of Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment, and provide any other ICPE-related services:
- Description of the site, business and facilities.
- Description of the initial condition with various diagnostics (water, soil, air, etc.)
- Hazard study
- Safety instructions
CYRUS INDUSTRIE can provide full drafting of the ICPE file according to your needs.

ACT – Assistance pour la passation du contrat des travaux
CYRUS INDUSTRIE accompagne le maître d’ouvrage lors de la consultation des entreprises de travaux et l’assiste pour l’analyse et le jugement des offres émises par les entreprises :
L’accompagnement des entreprises sur site,
La vérification de la conformité des offres par rapport au cahier des charges,
L’alignement technique des offres, les ajustements en cas d’écarts ou d’omissions,
La vérification de la convenance des prix proposés,
L’étude comparative technico-économique des offres,
La participation à des journées « commission achat » pour l’audition des entreprises installatrices,
La rédaction d’un rapport de synthèse (tableau comparatif des offres) pour vous guider dans votre choix des entreprises.
ACT – Assistance pour la passation du contrat des travaux
CYRUS INDUSTRIE accompagne le maître d’ouvrage lors de la consultation des entreprises de travaux et l’assiste pour l’analyse et le jugement des offres émises par les entreprises :
L’accompagnement des entreprises sur site,
La vérification de la conformité des offres par rapport au cahier des charges,
L’alignement technique des offres, les ajustements en cas d’écarts ou d’omissions,
La vérification de la convenance des prix proposés,
L’étude comparative technico-économique des offres,
La participation à des journées « commission achat » pour l’audition des entreprises installatrices,
La rédaction d’un rapport de synthèse (tableau comparatif des offres) pour vous guider dans votre choix des entreprises.